Hello again folks!

Due, in large part, to our dedicated team of volunteers and YOU, the operators who care enough to check in, 2023 was the most successful HF contact year yet! The 5th annual WHSES turned out to be a great opportunity to spread the word about preventing wildfire whilst also recognizing the efforts of wildland firefighters. Thank you to all involved this year, both volunteers and operators who participated.
I have heard from many stations that they could hear the event and tried to make a contact but could not. Worry not, your email messages have been received and they are also dearly appreciated. That’s just the nature of radio, isn’t it? Sometimes it just doesn’t work out. Better luck (and propagation!) next year, perhaps! It will always be a hallmark of this special event station that we operate via low power due to the fact that we are a battery operated event. There is no power grid where we deploy and plugging power into stumps has yielded no voltage thus far!
For those of you who didn’t catch it, we were stationed in direct view of the Eden Valley campground in Eden Valley, Coos County, Oregon this year. It was a wonderful weather day for making contacts.
If you have not submitted your entry for the certificate from this year’s event yet, remember, that clock is ticking folks! You better get to working on that so that we can get that certificate to you.
Once more, we thank you for your interest and participation. We’ll be back next summer (2024!) with the same event again, Lord willing. Until then, pray for our wildland firefighters, consider doing something kind for them and their families and remember: